Contact address:

Bromley Primary Schools Cross Country Association,
c/o Parish Primary School,

London Lane,

Kent BR1 4HF


Tel: 07814 038144



Saturday, 18.11.23

For results from our last event in November, click 18.11.2023

For children who took part on 09.03.24
Cross Country Certificate March 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [7.5 MB]

Stop press:

Exciting new sponsors for BPSCCA...

Next events:  

Y5/6 Championships - Saturday, 12th October 2024

Mini Marathon at Royal Greenwich Park, Sunday 12th May, 2024

Go to website...

Click here to see B.P.S.C.C.A.

Data Privacy Policy.

Press links:

News Shopper coverage of 11.03.17

News Shopper coverage of 21.11.15

News Shopper coverage of 22.11.14

Bromley Times coverage of 15.03.14

2023/24 Academic Year Events


Teachers, runners and parents gathering by their school banners early in the morning, before the races...

Schools entered for the Y3/Y4 Event, 9th March 2024.

No. School entered Conf./Unconf. No. School entered Conf./Unconf.
1 Alexandra Junior 32 Manor Oak Primary
2 Balgowan Primary 33 Marian Vian Primary
3 Bickley Park 34 Midfield Primary
4 Bickley Primary 35 Oak Lodge Primary
5 Bishop Challoner 36 Parish CE Primary
6 Blenheim Primary 37 Perry Hall Primary
7 Breaside 38 Pickhurst Junior
8 Bromley High 39 Poverest Primary
9 Burnt Ash Primary 40 Raglan Primary
10 Churchfields Primary 41 Red Hill Primary
11 Clare House Primary 42 St. David's Prep.
12 Crofton Junior 43 St. George's CE Primary
13 Cudham CE Primary 44 St. James' RC Primary
14 Darrick Wood Junior 45 St. John's RC Primary
15 Downe Primary 46 St. Joseph's RC Primary
16 Edgebury Primary 47 St. Mark's CE Primary
17 Farnborough Primary 48 St. Mary Cray Primary
18 Farringtons 49 St. Mary's RC Primary
19 Green Street Green Primary 50 St. Nicholas' CE Primary
20 Harris Beckenham Primary 51 St. Peter & St. Paul Primary
21 Harris Orpington Primary 52 Scotts Park Primary
22 Harris Shortlands Primary 53 Southborough Primary
23 Hawes Down Primary 54 Stewart Fleming Primary
24 Hayes Primary 55 The Highway Primary
25 Highfield Junior 56 Trinity CE Primary
26 Holy Innocents RC Primary 57 Tubbenden Primary
27 James Dixon Primary 58 Unicorn Primary
28 Keston CE Primary 59 Valley Primary
29 La Fontaine Academy 60 Warren Road Primary
30 Langley Park Primary 61 Wickham Common Primary
31 Leesons Primary      

N.B.    This list was updated on Friday, 9th February. The closing date for entries was Friday, 9th February...