Contact address:

Bromley Primary Schools Cross Country Association,
c/o Parish Primary School,

London Lane,

Kent BR1 4HF


Tel: 07814 038144



Saturday, 18.11.23

For results from our last event in November, click 18.11.2023

For children who took part on 09.03.24
Cross Country Certificate March 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [7.5 MB]

Stop press:

Exciting new sponsors for BPSCCA...

Next events:  

Y5/6 Championships - Saturday, 12th October 2024

Mini Marathon at Royal Greenwich Park, Sunday 12th May, 2024

Go to website...

Click here to see B.P.S.C.C.A.

Data Privacy Policy.

Press links:

News Shopper coverage of 11.03.17

News Shopper coverage of 21.11.15

News Shopper coverage of 22.11.14

Bromley Times coverage of 15.03.14

How To Find Us:

Parking can be a serious issue with so many people attending the event. To avoid problems, consider car-sharing as an option and give yourself plenty of time to get there so that runners are relaxed and ready well before their race starts. Also, if you're parked on the site, be patient when leaving. Traffic can be very busy on Anerley Hill and it may take you a little time to get away.


Parents and friends watching from the             upper terrace at Crystal Palace Park...